GRAX Blog: Salesforce Data Lifecycle Management

Blog Posts

Using Data Automation for Salesforce

Create data pipelines with GRAX to streamline digital transformation and improve analytics and intelligence capabilities. What is data automation? Salesforce generates and houses vast amounts of diverse data, which can be a goldmine for insights. However, managing this data is often a Herculean task. If done manually, the amount of time and resources required to … Continued


Guide to Salesforce Data Purging for Data Retention Policies

Introducing GRAX’s purge tool to strategically preserve mission-critical Salesforce data while balancing data retention and purging policies. Data has become an invaluable asset in today’s climate, where proper data management is crucial for staying competitive and compliant. Within the Salesforce ecosystem, the trio of data purging, data retention policies, and data management holds significant sway … Continued


GRAX Lifecycle Management Improves Salesforce Data Management

GRAX’s new lifecycle management feature for the Salesforce platform makes implementing and managing data retention policies easier than ever. What is Salesforce Data Lifecycle Management? Salesforce data lifecycle management can be defined as the comprehensive approach to managing data from the Salesforce platform, encompassing various stages of the data’s lifecycle. Although stages can vary from … Continued


Cybernews Names GRAX as a Top Salesforce Application

According to Cybernews, by merging Salesforce application data backup, data recovery, and data archiving with scalable data operations for a genuine Salesforce Data Lifecycle Management solution, GRAX is upending the Salesforce data protection market. With this unique approach to capturing, ingesting, and streaming past historical versions of your Salesforce data, the solution that allows you … Continued


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