
The case for SaaS data backup and ownership

This article, written by Joe Gaska, CEO of GRAX, highlights how backing up SaaS data can help government agencies meet data governance and privacy regulations.

A recent study on FedRAMP adoption found 56% of federal government offices now use some cloud-based solutions and systems, while 49% of state/local governments have most of their systems and solutions in the cloud. While SaaS applications enable tremendous efficiencies and cost savings, they also come with risks when it comes to data protection and privacy. Federal agencies are required to follow the Federal Data Strategy framework, which helps ensure ethical data governance. Similarly, many states have enacted, or are currently enacting, data privacy laws. To adhere to these policies, agencies must examine whether the data they gather and store is at risk of exposure and put protections in place while still enabling employees to access the data in their daily workflows. In this article, Joe Gaska shares insight on why backing up SaaS data can help with data governance and privacy regulations.

Key Takeaways:

  • The data that government offices generate in SaaS applications has value beyond the applications themselves – government employees often need to tap into that historical data for other analytical purposes and use cases.
  • When backing up data into an agency’s own cloud data lake, it’s important to have it at high frequencies by capturing the many changes made to the historical data, agencies get insurance needed for continuity and data recovery.
  • Backing up and archiving data into an agency’s own environment often reduces storage costs by up to 50%.

Read more in this GCN article, The case for SaaS data backup and ownership.

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