GRAX Blog: Data Retention Policies

Blog Posts

Top 6 Data Backup Strategy Considerations

How to create a strong backup and recovery plan Every business knows that backing up data is critical. Without a sound data backup strategy and regular testing of backup systems, your risk of data loss and business interruption increases exponentially, whether from innocent human error, malicious actors and ransomware, or unplanned downtime from hardware errors … Continued


Protecting Your Data Legacy: Unlimited Salesforce Field History Tracking

Improve field audit history tracking capabilities in Salesforce with unlimited data retention for Salesforce History Objects with GRAX High Trust. What is Salesforce Field History Tracking? After enabling field history tracking, this feature acts like a limited time machine for your data within the Salesforce platform. It allows businesses to keep a detailed historical log … Continued


GRAX Lifecycle Management Improves Salesforce Data Management

GRAX’s new lifecycle management feature for the Salesforce platform makes implementing and managing data retention policies easier than ever. What is Salesforce Data Lifecycle Management? Salesforce data lifecycle management can be defined as the comprehensive approach to managing data from the Salesforce platform, encompassing various stages of the data’s lifecycle. Although stages can vary from … Continued


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