GRAX Blog: Data protection

Blog Posts

Salesforce Data Encryption: Classic vs. Shield Platform

Information is an extremely important resource for a modern business. A lot of people claim that data has already become the sole most valuable resource a company can have. Unfortunately, cybercriminals understand that fact just as much as businesses — with the number of data breaches rising at an alarming pace each year. Every single … Continued

Blog Posts

Salesforce Data Security Demystified in GRAX eBook 

Salesforce CRM platform is relied upon by organizations around the world to manage and strengthen customer relationships and boost revenue. However, the data users generate on the platform isn’t automatically protected by Salesforce. That’s the customers’ responsibility. Figuring out how to best safeguard your Salesforce data can be overwhelming. GRAX’s new ebook demystifies why and … Continued

Blog Posts

How the Latest APRA Letter on Data Backup Security Impacts You

Cyber threats continue to evolve at an unprecedented rate. This has significant impacts on the security and stability of Australia’s financial system. For example, you may have heard about recent cyber incidents such as the Latitude data breach. It impacted over 14 million customers of this personal loan and financial service provider. The well-known MediaBank … Continued

Blog Posts

How to Prepare for the Digital Operational Resilience Act

Ensure your organization’s readiness for the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). Learn about compliance, data protection strategies, and best practices as well as what the EU’s new DORA Act means for IT Security. The European Union is widely recognized as a global leader for data protection and privacy. Many countries, including the US, look to … Continued


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