GRAX Blog: Chain of Custody


Getting Ready for Cloud Data-Driven Healthcare

GRAX’s Joe Gaska (CEO) examines how healthcare providers can become data-driven and maintain regulatory compliance in this article. The healthcare cloud computing market is expected to reach over $61 billion by 2025 as healthcare organizations adopt SaaS applications to improve operations and patient care. Since the healthcare industry is so highly regulated, introducing SaaS applications … Continued


Ensuring Compliance with a Digital Chain of Custody

Backing up SaaS app data gives financial companies greater control and helps them reduce risk, according to GRAX CEO, Joe Gaska, in Payments Journal. Financial services companies are shifting to cloud-based SaaS applications, like Salesforce, to help run their businesses more efficiently. This also exposes organizations to compliance risk. In this article, Joe discusses how … Continued


Trends in financial data 2021

This article, by Tearsheet’s Rimal Farrukh, highlights data trends shaping financial services, such as data ownership. Digital transformation, data personalization, and transparency are crucial for financial data ecosystems. Farrukh spoke to industry leaders – including our CEO Joe Gaska – to discuss trending issues in data aggregation, data processing, and sharing. Joe explains why financial … Continued


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