
SaaS Data Backup: Transforming from Insurance Policy to Strategic Value Driver

SaaS applications have taken over in many organizations as mission-critical applications. As such, they require enterprise-class levels of data protection and strong backup methodologies. After all, data is always your responsibility. But can you do more with it and what does it take?

Data reuse is the key to many business benefits. Organizations should focus on the common denominator: the data itself, and its intelligent management. In order to realize the benefits of data reuse, organizations need to adjust their focus on their data management and data operations practices.

This eBook from Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) discusses:

  • Why data backup of SaaS applications is your responsibility
  • Key challenges when backing up mission-critical apps like Salesforce
  • Use cases for intelligent data management
  • How organizations are going beyond backup and re-using their data

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