
Grab Nice Pants—The Boss Is at Your Door With a Gift

We’re thrilled to be highlighted in this Wall Street Journal article that showcases the creative efforts CEOs, including GRAX’s Joe Gaska, have made during the pandemic to combat employee burnout and boost morale.

These activities range from virtual scavenger hunts, to Zoom slam poetry readings, to sending cheese board and s’mores kits for employees to enjoy. The article showcases GRAX’s unique approach to an employee bonding day, where everyone—including some of our team’s kids—did a virtual visit to a goat sanctuary, and the feedbaa-ck was great.


  • Sanctuary owner, Megan Frederick, explained how the farm operated and hosted a game of goat trivia while the goats ran around wearing GRAX socks on their horns.
  • Joe Gaska, among the rest of the employees, made hilarious goat noises to conclude the visit; everyone was “cracking up” said Diane Deng, Senior product-marketing manager at GRAX.
  • During the entire visit, no one thought about business. Joe said, “It’s probably the best thing I’ve ever planned as a CEO.”

See the full article and pictures below or in the WSJ here (subscription required).

GRAX in the Wall Street Journal
Excerpt about GRAX from the Wall Street Journal (WSJ)

The GRAX team enjoying a visit to the Frederick Farm Goat Rescue and Sanctuary

GRAX at the Frederick Farm Goat Rescue and Sanctuary

GRAX at the Frederick Farm Goat Rescue and Sanctuary

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